

impy’s concept is to make image analysis on Python much more user friendly. The core array object, ImgArray, retains all the features of numpy.ndarray while implemented with variety of function that minimize your effort of image processing.

Let’s start with a simple example.

import impy as ip
img = ip.imread("path/to/image.tif")  # read
out = img.gaussian_filter(sigma=1)    # process
ImgArray of
     name      : image.tif
    shape      : 10(t), 20(z), 256(y), 256(x)
 label shape   : No label
    dtype      : uint16
    source     : path/to/image.tif
    scale      : ScaleView(t=1.0, z=0.217, y=0.217, x=0.217)

Here, you can see

  • each dimension is labeled with a symbol (t, z, y and x).

  • Physical scale is tagged to the object as a ScaleView, a subclass of Python dict.

  • the source file is recorded.

impy’s imread function can extract metadata (such as axes) from image files and “memorize” them as additional properties of array objects.

You can refer to the properties by:

img.axes       # Out: Axes['t', 'z', 'y', 'x']
img.source     # Out: such as WindowsPath("path/to/image.tif")
img.name       # Out: "image.tif"
img.scale      # Out: ScaleDict(t=1.0px, z=0.217μm, y=0.217μm, x=0.217μm)

After you finished all the process you want, you can view the results in napari viewer. Just pass the image object to GUI handler object gui in impy.


and wait until viewer window opens.

Axes Targeted Slicing

You may want to get slice(s) of an image with a format like “t=3:10” but generally you always have to care about which is t-axis. Most arrays in impy have extended numpy.ndarray to enable the “axis-targeted slicing”. You can use following grammar:

  • Single slice, like img["t=1"].

  • String that follows Python slicing rules, such as img["t=5:10"] or img["t=-1"]

  • Fancy slicing, like img["t=1,3,5"]

  • Conbination of them with splitter “;”, like img["t=3;z=5:7"]

Similarly, image shape is also extended to support axis-based access. In the example above, the image of interest has (t, z, y, x) axes and the shape is (10, 20, 256, 256). Similar to numpy.ndarray, you can know its shape using img.shape but in impy an object of AxesShape will be returned instead of Python tuple, as long as axes are well-defined.

img.shape       # Out: AxesShape(t=10, z=20, y=256, z=256)

Here, you can get the size of z-axis by img.shape.z instead of img.shape[1].


You can also use dict for slicing.

img[{"y": 3, "x": slice(4, 10)}]  # identical to img["y=3;x=4:10"]

Batch Processing

Image Stacks

Owing to the axes information, impy can automatically execute functions for every image slice properly. As in the first example, with a tzyx image, instead of running

out = np.empty_like(img)
for t in range(10):
    out[t] = img[t].gaussian_filter(sigma=1)

you just need to run a single code

out = img.gaussian_filter(sigma=1)

and the function “knows” zyx or (1,2,3) axes are spatial dimensions and filtering should be iterated along t axis.

If you want yx axes be the spatial dimensions, i.e., iterate over t and z axes, explicitly specify it with dims keyword argument:

out = img.gaussian_filter(sigma=1, dims="yx")
out = img.gaussian_filter(sigma=1, dims=2)  # this is fine

Running Function with Different Parameters

  1. Apply a function to whole image with different parameters

out = img.for_params("log_filter", var={"sigma": [1, 2, 3, 4]})
out = img.for_params("log_filter", sigma=[1, 2, 3, 4]) # This is also supported.
  1. Apply a function along an axis with different parameters

You usually want to apply same function to each channel but with different parameters.

out = img.for_each_channel("hessian_eigval", sigma=[1, 2])

Images with Different Shapes

For images with different shapes, they cannot be stacked into a single array. In this case, you can use DataList, an extension of Python list. DataList recognizes any member functions of its components and call the function for all the components. Here’s an example:

imglist = ip.DataList([img1, img2, img3])
outputs = imglist.gaussian_filter(sigma=3)

gaussian_filter is a member function of img1, img2 and img3, so that inside imglist, gaussian_filter is called three times. Following code is essentially same as what is going on inside DataList:

outputs = []
for img in imglist:
    out = img.gaussian_filter(sigma=3)
outputs = ip.DataList(outputs)

impy also provides DataDict, an extension of Python dict, which works similarly to DataList. Aside from the feature of iterative function call, you can give names for each image as dictionary keys, and get the value from attribution, imgdict.name instead of imgdict["name"].

imglist = ip.DataDict(first=img1, second=img2, third=img3)
outputs = imglist.gaussian_filter(sigma=3)

Extended Numpy functions

In almost all the numpy functions, the keyword argument axis can be given as the symbol of axis if the argument(s) are ImgArray or other arrays that belong to subclass of MetaArray.

np.mean(img, axis="z")           # Z-projection, although ImgArray provides more flexible function "proj()"
np.stack([img1, img2], axis="c") # Merging colors

This is achieved by defining __array_function__ method. See Numpy’s documentation for details.

You can also make an ImgArray in a way similar to numpy:

ip.array([2, 4, 6], dtype="uint16")
ip.zeros((100, 100), dtype=np.float32)
ip.random.normal(size=(100, 100))


impy can automatically switch between numpy and cupy. Using GPU can largely boost your image analysis especially when it relies on Fourier transformation or linear algebra. You can setup GPU calculation within a context using

with ip.use("cupy"):
    img_deconv = img.lucy(psf_image)

or globally

ip.Const["RESOURCE"] = "cupy"

Advanced Reading Options

Read Separate Images as an Image Stack

If images are saved as separate tif files in a directory, you can read them as an image stack by:

img = ip.imread("path/to/image/*.tif")

Read Separate Images as an DataList

img = ip.imread_collection("path/to/image/*.tif")

Large Images

There are two ways to handle large images.


If you deal with very large images that exceeds PC memory, you can use LazyImgArray. This object retains memory map of the image file that is split into smaller chunks, and passes it to dask array as “ready to read” state. The image data is therefore loaded only when it is needed. Many useful functions in ImgArray are also implemented in LazyImgArray so that you can easily handle large datasets.

To read large images as LazyImgArray, call impy.lazy.imread instead. You can specify its chunk size using chunks parameter.

img = ip.lazy.imread("path/to/image.tif", chunks=(1, "auto", "auto", "auto"))
LazyImgArray of
     name     : image.tif
    shape     : 300(t), 25(z), 1024(y), 1024(x)
 chunk sizes  : 1(t), 25(z), 1024(y), 1024(x)
    dtype     : uint16
    source    : path/to/image.tif
    scale     : ScaleView(t=1.0px, z=0.217μm, y=0.217μm, x=0.217μm)

You can check its size in GB:


When you have to convert it to ImgArray, use compute function:

img.compute()  # dask's compute() function will be called inside


LazyImgArray is useful to process large images. However, it is not suitable for interactive analysis because calculation starts from the beginning for every operation. BigImgArray is a subclass of LazyImgArray but it stores the cashed data in a temporary file.

You can use big_imread() function to open an image file as a BigImgArray object.

img = ip.big_imread("path/to/image.tif", chunks=(1, "auto", "auto", "auto"))
BigImgArray of
     name     : image.tif
    shape     : 300(t), 25(z), 1024(y), 1024(x)
 chunk sizes  : 1(t), 25(z), 1024(y), 1024(x)
    dtype     : uint16
    source    : path/to/image.tif
    scale     : ScaleView(t=1.0px, z=0.217μm, y=0.217μm, x=0.217μm)

A BigImgArray processes an image out-of-core, but store the result in a temporary file. As LazyImgArray, you can convert it into ImgArray using compute function.

img1 = img.gaussian_filter()  # computed and cached here
img2 = img1.threshold(img1.mean())  # computed and cached here
out = img2.compute()  # convert to ImgArray