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Pre-run Confirmation

Sometimes you want to confirm the input before running the function, especially when the function needs a long time to run or irreversibly changes the GUI state. The process of confirmation is usually GUI specific, as you'll not want a window to pop up when running the function from the script.

confirm decorator

magic-class provides a decorator to add confirmation process to a function.

from magicclass import magicclass, confirm

class A:
    @confirm(text="Are you sure to run this function?")
    def func(self):

When you click the button, a confirmation window will pop up before running the function, but if you run the function from the script, the @confirm does nothing.

Conditional Confirmation

You can pass a condition to @confirm decorator. The confirmation window will pop up only when the condition is satisfied.

from magicclass import magicclass, confirm

class A:
    # use executable string as condition
    @confirm(condition="ratio < 0 or 1 < ratio", text="ratio out of range, continue?")
    def func(self, ratio: float):