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Collect projects

The collect_projects method collects projects into a ProjectSequence object, a list-like container with CylindraProject objects.

from cylindra import collect_projects

col = collect_projects("path/to/root/*.tar")
ProjectSequence with 20 projects such as CylindraProject(...)

Collect Spline Properties

To analyze all the splines properties in the projects, it is useful to collect them into a single polars.DataFrame object. ProjectSequence has methods to do this. These methods not only collect the properties, but add columns indicating which project or spline the properties belong to.

  • "spline-id": the index of the spline in the project
  • "image-id": the index of the image in the project


This method collects all the local properties of the splines in the projects. For example, following code plots the distribution of the "twist" parameters.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df = col.collect_localprops()

Asides from the local properties, it also adds the following columns:

  • "spl_pos": the spline coordinate (between 0 and 1) of the corresponding point in the spline. For example, if the local property is for the start point of the spline, this value is 0.0.
  • "spl_dist": the distance (nm) of the corresponding point from the start of the spline.


This method collects all the global properties of the splines in the projects. For example, following code returns the number of splines with each orientation.

df = col.collect_globalprops()
shape: (2, 2)
│ orientation ┆ count │
│ ---         ┆ ---   │
│ str         ┆ u32   │
│ MinusToPlus ┆ 12    │
│ PlusToMinus ┆ 18    │


This method collects all the local and global properties. The column names of the global properties will be suffixed with "_glob". The returned dataframe will have a lot of duplicate values, but it is very useful for rich analysis. For example, following code plots the distribution of the local "twist" parameters of 13-protofilament microtubules.

df = col.collect_joinedprops()
plt.hist(df.filter(pl.col("npf_glob") == 13)["twist"])