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Filter Molecules by Features

Filtering refers to the process of selecting a subset of molecules based on given criteria (not image processing such as Gaussian filter). This operation is very useful for rich data analysis.

Run Filtering

API: filter_molecules

GUI: Molecules > Filter molecules

This method uses one of the features tagged to the molecules to determine which molecules will be filtered.

Filter molecules

List of parameters
  1. "layer" is the molecules layer that will be filtered.
  2. "predicate" uses polars expression to describe filtering conditions.
  3. If the source spline of the original molecules should be inherited to the filtered molecules, check "Inherit source spline".
  4. Check "Preview" to see the result of the filtering in the viewer. Preview will be updated when you change the predicate.

The filtered molecules will be added to the viewer as a new layer with suffix "-Filt".


1. Collect molecules from the tips

ui.filter_molecules("Mole-0", predicate="col('position-nm') < 100")

2. Collect molecules close to a point

Coordinates of the molecules can be accessed by column name x, y, and z.

# square of distance from (10, 20, 15)
dist2 = (pl.col("z") - 10) ** 2 + (pl.col("y") - 20) ** 2 + (pl.col("x") - 15) ** 2

# molecules whose distance from (10, 20, 15) is less than 50
is_close = dist2 < 50 ** 2

ui.filter_molecules("Mole-0", predicate=is_close)