Feature Names
Here's the list of the standard feature names and how they will be added.
The n-th molecule of a protofilament starting from 0. If this value is 3, it means the molecule is the 4th molecule from the tip (= the starting edge of the source spline).
This feature is added by: - map_monomers - map_monomers_with_extensions
The protofilament ID. Molecules labeled with the same
belong to the same protofilament.This feature is added by: - map_monomers - map_monomers_with_extensions
The position of the molecule in the spline coordinate (in nm). This value is useful when you want to know in which position the molecule is located along the spline.
This feature is added by: - map_monomers - map_monomers_with_extensions
The isotype ID. Molecules labeled with the same
belong to the same isotype.This feature is added by: - seam_search - seam_search_by_feature - seam_search_manually
The alignment score. Higher scores indicate better alignment. Note that the score may be affected by the missing wedge.
This feature is added by: - align_all - align_all_template_free - align_all_viterbi - align_all_annealing - run_align_on_landscape - run_viterbi_on_landscape - run_annealing_on_landscape
Following values are measured by [calculate_lattice_structure].