Source code for acryo.molecules.core

from __future__ import annotations
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray
import polars as pl
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
from acryo._types import nm
from acryo.molecules._group import MoleculeGroup
from acryo.molecules._cut import MoleculeCutGroup
from acryo.molecules._rotation import (

    from typing_extensions import Self, TypeGuard
    from polars._typing import ParquetCompression, FrameInitTypes

_CSV_COLUMNS = ["z", "y", "x", "zvec", "yvec", "xvec"]
PathLike = Union[str, Path]
IntoExpr = Union[str, pl.Expr]
_Array1D = Union[NDArray[np.number], Sequence[Any]]
_Array2D = Union[NDArray[np.number], Sequence[Sequence[Any]]]

[docs] class Molecules: """ Object that represents position- and orientation-defined molecules. Positions are represented by a (N, 3) ``np.ndarray`` and orientations are represented by a ``scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation`` object. Features of each molecule can also be recorded by the ``features`` property. Parameters ---------- pos : ArrayLike Moleculs positions. rot : scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation object Molecule orientations. features : dataframe, optional Molecule features. """ def __init__( self, pos: _Array1D | _Array2D, rot: Rotation | None = None, features: FrameInitTypes | None = None, ): _pos = np.atleast_2d(pos).astype(np.float32) if _pos.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError("Shape of pos must be (N, 3).") nmol = _pos.shape[0] if rot is None: if nmol > 0: quat = np.stack([np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])] * nmol, axis=0) rot = Rotation.from_quat(quat) else: rot = Rotation.identity() elif not isinstance(rot, Rotation): raise TypeError(f"`rot` must be a Rotation object, got {type(rot)}.") elif nmol > 0 and nmol != len(rot): raise ValueError( f"Length mismatch. There are {nmol} molecules but {len(rot)} " "rotation were given." ) self._pos = _pos self._rotator = rot self._features: pl.DataFrame | None = None self.features = features def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(n={len(self)})"
[docs] @classmethod def empty(cls, feature_labels: Iterable[str] = ()): return cls( pos=np.zeros((0, 3)), rot=None, features=pl.DataFrame(None, schema=list(feature_labels)), )
[docs] @classmethod def from_axes( cls, pos: _Array2D, z: _Array2D | None = None, y: _Array2D | None = None, x: _Array2D | None = None, ) -> Self: """Construct molecule cloud with orientation from two of their local axes.""" pos = np.atleast_2d(pos) if sum((_ax is not None) for _ax in [z, y, x]) != 2: raise TypeError("You must specify two out of z, y, and x.") # NOTE: np.cross assumes vectors are in xyz order. However, all the arrays here # are defined in zyx order. To build right-handed coordinates, we must invert # signs when using np.cross. if z is None: if x is None or y is None: raise TypeError("Two of x, y, z is needed.") x = np.atleast_2d(x) y = np.atleast_2d(y) z = cross(x, y, axis=1) elif y is None: if x is None or z is None: raise TypeError("Two of x, y, z is needed.") z = np.atleast_2d(z) x = np.atleast_2d(x) y = cross(z, x, axis=1) rotator = axes_to_rotator(z, y) return cls(pos, rotator)
[docs] @classmethod def from_euler( cls, pos: _Array2D, angles: _Array2D, seq: str = "ZXZ", degrees: bool = False, order: Literal["xyz", "zyx"] = "xyz", features: pl.DataFrame | None = None, ) -> Self: """Create molecules from Euler angles.""" if order == "xyz": rotator = from_euler_xyz_coords(angles, seq, degrees) elif order == "zyx": rotator = Rotation.from_euler(seq, angles, degrees) else: raise ValueError("'order' must be 'xyz' or 'zyx'.") return cls(pos, rotator, features)
[docs] @classmethod def from_quat( cls, pos: _Array2D, quat: _Array2D, features: pl.DataFrame | None = None, ) -> Self: """Create molecules from quaternions.""" quat = np.asarray(quat) if quat.shape[0] == 0: rot = None else: rot = Rotation.from_quat(quat) return cls(pos, rot, features)
[docs] @classmethod def from_rotvec( cls, pos: _Array2D, vec: _Array2D, features: pl.DataFrame | None = None, ) -> Self: """Create molecules from rotation vectors.""" vec = np.asarray(vec) if vec.shape[0] == 0: rot = None else: rot = Rotation.from_rotvec(vec) return cls(pos, rot, features)
[docs] @classmethod def from_matrix( cls, pos: _Array2D, matrix: np.ndarray, features: pl.DataFrame | None = None, ) -> Self: """Create molecules from rotation matrices.""" if matrix.shape[0] == 0: rot = None else: rot = Rotation.from_matrix(matrix) return cls(pos, rot, features)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file( cls, path: PathLike, pos_cols: list[str] = ["z", "y", "x"], rot_cols: list[str] = ["zvec", "yvec", "xvec"], ) -> Self: """Load a file as a Molecules object using proper reader.""" path = Path(path) if path.suffix in (".pq", ".parquet"): return cls.from_parquet(path, pos_cols, rot_cols) return cls.from_csv(path, pos_cols, rot_cols)
[docs] @classmethod def from_csv( cls, path: PathLike, pos_cols: list[str] = ["z", "y", "x"], rot_cols: list[str] = ["zvec", "yvec", "xvec"], **pl_kwargs, ) -> Self: """Load csv as a Molecules object.""" df = pl.read_csv(path, **pl_kwargs) return cls.from_dataframe(df, pos_cols, rot_cols)
[docs] @classmethod def from_parquet( cls, path: PathLike, pos_cols: list[str] = ["z", "y", "x"], rot_cols: list[str] = ["zvec", "yvec", "xvec"], ) -> Self: """Load parquet as a Molecules object.""" df = pl.read_parquet(path) return cls.from_dataframe(df, pos_cols, rot_cols)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataframe( cls, df: pl.DataFrame, pos_cols: list[str] = ["z", "y", "x"], rot_cols: list[str] = ["zvec", "yvec", "xvec"], ) -> Self: """Construct Molecules object from a DataFrame.""" pos_cols = pos_cols.copy() rot_cols = rot_cols.copy() pos = rotvec = cols = pos.columns + rotvec.columns feature_columns = [c for c in df.columns if c not in cols] if len(feature_columns) == 0: features = None else: features = if len(pos) == 0: rot = None else: rot = Rotation.from_rotvec(rotvec.to_numpy()) return cls(pos.to_numpy(), rot, features=features)
[docs] @classmethod def from_random( cls, pos: _Array2D, seed: int | None = None, features: pl.DataFrame | None = None, ) -> Self: """Create randomly oriented molecules from given positions.""" pos = np.asarray(pos) if pos.shape[0] == 0: rot = None else: rot = Rotation.random(pos.shape[0], random_state=seed) return cls(pos, rot, features=features)
@property def features(self) -> pl.DataFrame: """Molecules features.""" if self._features is None: import polars as pl return pl.DataFrame(None) return self._features @features.setter def features(self, value): if value is None: self._features = None else: if not isinstance(value, pl.DataFrame): df = pl.DataFrame(value, strict=False) else: df = value if df.shape == (0, 0): self._features = None return None if len(df) != self.pos.shape[0]: raise ValueError( f"Length mismatch. There are {self.pos.shape[0]} molecules but " f"{len(df)} features were given." ) self._features = df return None
[docs] def to_dataframe(self) -> pl.DataFrame: """Convert coordinates, rotation and features into a single data frame.""" if dup := set(self.features.columns).intersection(_CSV_COLUMNS): raise ValueError( "Duplication between feature columns and postion, rotation columns. " f"Features should not contain {dup!r}. Please rename them." ) rotvec = self.rotvec().astype(np.float32) df = pl.DataFrame( { "z": self.pos[:, 0], "y": self.pos[:, 1], "x": self.pos[:, 2], "zvec": rotvec[:, 0], "yvec": rotvec[:, 1], "xvec": rotvec[:, 2], }, ) if self._features is not None: df = df.with_columns(list(self._features)) return df
[docs] def to_csv(self, save_path: PathLike, float_precision: int | None = 4) -> None: """ Save molecules as a csv file. Parameters ---------- save_path : PathLike Save path. float_precision : int, default is 4 Float precision. """ return self.to_dataframe().write_csv( str(save_path), float_precision=float_precision, )
[docs] def to_parquet( self, save_path: PathLike, *, compression: ParquetCompression = "zstd", compression_level: int | None = 10, ) -> None: """ Save molecules as a parquet file. Parameters ---------- save_path : PathLike Save path. compression : str, default is "zstd" Compression method, by default "zstd". """ return self.to_dataframe().write_parquet( str(save_path), compression=compression, compression_level=compression_level, )
[docs] def to_file(self, save_path: PathLike) -> None: """Save molecules as a file.""" save_path = Path(save_path) if save_path.suffix in (".pq", ".parquet"): return self.to_parquet(save_path) return self.to_csv(save_path)
[docs] def count(self) -> int: """Return the number of molecules.""" return self._pos.shape[0]
def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the number of molecules.""" return self.count() def __getitem__(self, key: int | slice | list[int] | NDArray[np.integer]) -> Self: return self.subset(key) @property def pos(self) -> NDArray[np.float32]: """Positions of molecules.""" return self._pos @property def x(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Vectors of x-axis.""" return self._rotator.apply(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])) @property def y(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Vectors of y-axis.""" return self._rotator.apply(np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])) @property def z(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Vectors of z-axis.""" return self._rotator.apply(np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])) @property def rotator(self) -> Rotation: """Return ``scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation`` object""" return self._rotator
[docs] @classmethod def concat( cls, moles: Iterable[Molecules], concat_features: bool = True, nullable: bool = True, ) -> Self: """Concatenate Molecules objects.""" pos: list[np.ndarray] = [] quat: list[np.ndarray] = [] features: list[pl.DataFrame] = [] for mol in moles: pos.append(mol.pos) quat.append(mol.quaternion()) features.append(mol.features) all_pos = np.concatenate(pos, axis=0) all_quat = np.concatenate(quat, axis=0) if concat_features: how = "diagonal" if nullable else "vertical" all_features = pl.concat(features, how=how) else: all_features = None return cls(all_pos, Rotation(all_quat), features=all_features)
[docs] def copy(self) -> Self: """Make a copy of the object.""" pos = self.pos.copy() quat = self._rotator.as_quat(canonical=False).copy() if self._features is None: return self.__class__(pos, Rotation(quat)) return self.__class__(pos, Rotation(quat), self._features)
[docs] def subset( self, spec: int | slice | list[int] | NDArray[np.bool_] | NDArray[np.integer], ) -> Self: """ Create a subset of molecules by slicing. Any slicing supported in ``numpy.ndarray``, except for integer, can be used here. Molecule positions and angles are sliced at the same time. Parameters ---------- spec : int, slice, list of int, or ndarray Specifier that defines which molecule will be used. Any objects that numpy slicing are defined are supported. For instance, ``[2, 3, 5]`` means the 2nd, 3rd and 5th molecules will be used (zero-indexed), and ``slice(10, 20)`` means the 10th to 19th molecules will be used. Returns ------- Molecules Molecule subset. """ if isinstance(spec, int): if spec < 0: raise IndexError("Negative indexing is not supported.") if spec >= len(self): raise IndexError("Index out of range.") _spec = slice(spec, spec + 1) else: _spec = spec pos = self.pos[_spec] quat = self.quaternion(canonical=False)[_spec] if self._features is None: return self.__class__(pos, Rotation(quat)) if _is_boolean_array(_spec): # NOTE: polars does not support boolean indexing return self.__class__(pos, Rotation(quat), self._features.filter(_spec)) return self.__class__(pos, Rotation(quat), self._features[_spec])
[docs] def affine_matrix( self, src: np.ndarray, dst: np.ndarray | None = None, inverse: bool = False ) -> NDArray[np.float32]: """ Construct affine matrices using positions and angles of molecules. Parameters ---------- src : np.ndarray Source coordinates. dst : np.ndarray, optional Destination coordinates. By default the coordinates of molecules will be used. inverse : bool, default is False Return inverse mapping if true. Returns ------- (N, 4, 4) array Array of concatenated affine matrices. """ if dst is None: dst = self.pos nmole = len(self) if nmole == 0: return np.zeros((0, 4, 4), dtype=np.float32) if inverse: mat = self._rotator.inv().as_matrix() else: mat = self.matrix() rot_mat = np.zeros((nmole, 4, 4), dtype=np.float32) rot_mat[:, 3, 3] = 1.0 rot_mat[:, :3, :3] = mat translation_0 = np.stack([np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)] * nmole, axis=0) translation_1 = np.stack([np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)] * nmole, axis=0) translation_0[:, :3, 3] = dst translation_1[:, :3, 3] = -src return np.einsum("nij,njk,nkl->nil", translation_0, rot_mat, translation_1)
[docs] def local_coordinates( self, shape: tuple[int, int, int], scale: nm = 1.0, *, squeeze: bool = True, ) -> NDArray[np.float32]: """ Generate local coordinates at the neighborhood of each molecule. Parameters ---------- shape : (int, int, int) Shape of the local coordinates. scale : float, default is 1.0 Scale of the local coordinates. squeeze : bool, default is True If ture and the number of molecules is 1, the first axis will be removed. Returns ------- (N, D, Z, Y, X) array World coordinates. ``array[i]`` can be directly used as the coordinates for ``ndi.map_coordinates``. """ coords_list: list[NDArray[np.float32]] = [] all_vec_x = self.x.astype(np.float32) all_vec_y = self.y.astype(np.float32) for index in range(self.count()): center = [s / 2 - 0.5 for s in shape] vec_x = all_vec_x[index] vec_y = all_vec_y[index] vec_z = cross(vec_x, vec_y) ind_z, ind_y, ind_x = ( (np.arange(s, dtype=np.float32) - c) for s, c in zip(shape, center) ) # type: ignore x_ax: NDArray[np.float32] = vec_x[:, np.newaxis] * ind_x y_ax: NDArray[np.float32] = vec_y[:, np.newaxis] * ind_y z_ax: NDArray[np.float32] = vec_z[:, np.newaxis] * ind_z coords = ( z_ax[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] + y_ax[:, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] + x_ax[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] ) shifts = self.pos[index] / scale coords += shifts[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] # unit: pixel coords_list.append(coords) if len(coords_list) == 1 and squeeze: return coords_list[0] else: return np.stack(coords_list, axis=0)
[docs] def matrix(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """ Calculate rotation matrices that align molecules in such orientations that ``vec`` belong to the object. Returns ------- (N, 3, 3) ndarray Rotation matrices. Rotations represented by these matrices transform molecules to the same orientations, i.e., align all the molecules. """ if self.count() == 0: return np.zeros((0, 3, 3), dtype=np.float64) return self._rotator.as_matrix()
[docs] def euler_angle( self, seq: str = "ZXZ", degrees: bool = False ) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """ Calculate Euler angles that transforms a source vector to vectors that belong to the object. Parameters ---------- seq : str, default is "ZXZ" Copy of ``scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.as_euler``. 3 characters belonging to the set {"X", "Y", "Z"} for intrinsic rotations, or {"x", "y", "z"} for extrinsic rotations. Adjacent axes cannot be the same. Extrinsic and intrinsic rotations cannot be mixed in one function call. degrees: bool, default is False Copy of ``scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.as_euler``. Returned angles are in degrees if this flag is True, else they are in radians. Returns ------- (N, 3) ndarray Euler angles. """ if self.count() == 0: return np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=np.float64) seq = translate_euler(seq) return self._rotator.as_euler(seq, degrees=degrees)[..., ::-1]
[docs] def quaternion(self, canonical: bool = False) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """ Calculate quaternions that transforms a source vector to vectors that belong to the object. Returns ------- (N, 4) ndarray Quaternions. """ if self.count() == 0: return np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float64) return self._rotator.as_quat(canonical=canonical)
[docs] def rotvec(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """ Calculate rotation vectors that transforms a source vector to vectors that belong to the object. Returns ------- (N, 3) ndarray Rotation vectors. """ if self.count() == 0: return np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=np.float64) return self._rotator.as_rotvec()
[docs] def translate(self, shifts: _Array1D | _Array2D, copy: bool = True) -> Self: """ Translate molecule positions by ``shifts``. Shifts are applied in world coordinates, not internal coordinates of every molecules. If molecules should be translated in their own coordinates, such as translating toward y-direction of each molecules by 1.0 nm, use ``translate_internal`` instead. Translation operation does not convert molecule orientations. Parameters ---------- shifts : (3,) or (N, 3) array Spatial shift of molecules. copy : bool, default is True If true, create a new instance, otherwise overwrite the existing instance. Returns ------- Molecules Instance with updated positional coordinates. """ coords = self._pos + np.asarray(shifts, dtype=np.float32) if copy: features = self._features if features is not None: features = features.clone() out = self.__class__(coords, self._rotator, features=features) else: self._pos = coords out = self return out
[docs] def translate_internal( self, shifts: _Array1D | _Array2D, *, copy: bool = True, ) -> Self: """ Translate molecule positions internally by ``shifts``. Shifts are applied in the coordinates of each molecule. If molecules should be translated in world coordinates use ``translate`` instead. Parameters ---------- shifts : (3,) or (N, 3) array Spatial shift of molecules. copy : bool, default is True If true, create a new instance, otherwise overwrite the existing instance. Returns ------- Molecules Instance with updated positional coordinates. """ world_shifts = self._rotator.apply(shifts) return self.translate(world_shifts, copy=copy)
[docs] def translate_random( self, max_distance: nm, *, seed: int | None = None, copy: bool = True, ) -> Self: """ Apply random translation to each molecule. Translation range is restricted by a maximum distance and translation values are uniformly distributed in this region. Different translations will be applied to different molecules. Parameters ---------- max_distance : nm Maximum distance of translation. seed : int, optional Random seed, by default None copy : bool, default is True If true, create a new instance, otherwise overwrite the existing instance. Returns ------- Molecules Translated molecules. """ nmole = len(self) rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) r = rng.random(nmole) * max_distance theta = rng.random(nmole) * 2 * np.pi phi = rng.random(nmole) * np.pi cos_phi = np.cos(phi) shifts = np.stack( [ r * np.sin(phi), r * cos_phi * np.sin(theta), r * cos_phi * np.cos(theta), ], axis=1, ) return self.translate(shifts, copy=copy)
[docs] def rotate_by_rotvec_internal( self, vector: _Array1D | _Array2D, *, copy: bool = True, ) -> Self: """ Rotate molecules using internal rotation vector. Vector components are calculated in the molecule-coordinate. Parameters ---------- vector : ArrayLike Rotation vector(s). copy : bool, default is True If true, create a new instance, otherwise overwrite the existing instance. Returns ------- Molecules Instance with updated angles. """ vector = np.atleast_2d(vector) vec_x = self.x vec_y = self.y vec_z = cross(vec_x, vec_y, axis=1) world_rotvec = ( vec_z * vector[:, 0][:, np.newaxis] + vec_y * vector[:, 1][:, np.newaxis] + vec_x * vector[:, 2][:, np.newaxis] ) return self.rotate_by_rotvec(world_rotvec, copy=copy)
[docs] def rotate_by_matrix( self, matrix: ArrayLike, *, copy: bool = True, ) -> Self: """ Rotate molecules using rotation matrices, **with their position unchanged**. Parameters ---------- matrix : ArrayLike Rotation matrices, whose length must be same as the number of molecules. copy : bool, default is True If true, create a new instance, otherwise overwrite the existing instance. Returns ------- Molecules Instance with updated orientation. """ rotator = Rotation.from_matrix(matrix) return self.rotate_by(rotator, copy=copy)
[docs] def rotate_by_quaternion( self, quat: _Array1D | _Array2D, *, copy: bool = True, ) -> Self: """ Rotate molecules using quaternions, **with their position unchanged**. Parameters ---------- quat : ArrayLike Rotation quaternion. copy : bool, default is True If true, create a new instance, otherwise overwrite the existing instance. Returns ------- Molecules Instance with updated orientation. """ rotator = Rotation.from_quat(quat) return self.rotate_by(rotator, copy=copy)
[docs] def rotate_by_euler_angle( self, angles: _Array2D, seq: str = "ZXZ", degrees: bool = False, order: Literal["xyz", "zyx"] = "xyz", copy: bool = True, ) -> Self: """ Rotate molecules using Euler angles, **with their position unchanged**. Parameters ---------- angles: array-like Euler angles of rotation. copy : bool, default is True If true, create a new instance, otherwise overwrite the existing instance. Returns ------- Molecules Instance with updated orientation. """ if order == "xyz": rotator = from_euler_xyz_coords(angles, seq, degrees) elif order == "zyx": rotator = Rotation.from_euler(seq, angles, degrees) else: raise ValueError("'order' must be 'xyz' or 'zyx'.") return self.rotate_by(rotator, copy=copy)
[docs] def rotate_by_rotvec(self, vector: _Array2D, *, copy: bool = True) -> Self: """ Rotate molecules using rotation vectors, **with their position unchanged**. Parameters ---------- vector: array-like Rotation vectors. copy : bool, default is True If true, create a new instance, otherwise overwrite the existing instance. Returns ------- Molecules Instance with updated orientation. """ rotator = Rotation.from_rotvec(vector) return self.rotate_by(rotator, copy=copy)
[docs] def rotate_by(self, rotator: Rotation, *, copy: bool = True) -> Self: """ Rotate molecule with a ``Rotation`` object. Note that ``Rotation`` object satisfies following equation. >>> rot1.apply(rot2.apply(v)) == (rot1*rot2).apply(v) Parameters ---------- rotator : Rotation Molecules will be rotated by this object. copy : bool, default is True If true, create a new instance, otherwise overwrite the existing instance. Returns ------- Molecules Instance with updated orientation. """ rot = rotator * self._rotator if copy: features = self._features if features is not None: features = features.clone() out = self.__class__(self._pos, rot, features=features) else: self._rotator = rot out = self return out
[docs] def rotate_random(self, copy: bool = True, seed: int | None = None) -> Self: """ Rotate molecules randomly. Parameters ---------- copy : bool, default is True If true, create a new instance, otherwise overwrite the existing instance. seed : int, default is None Random seed to generate randomized rotators. Returns ------- Molecules Instance with updated orientation. """ rotator = Rotation.random(len(self), random_state=seed) return self.rotate_by(rotator, copy=copy)
[docs] def linear_transform( self, shift: _Array2D, rotator: Rotation, inv: bool = False, ) -> Self: """Shift and rotate molecules around their own coordinate.""" rotvec = rotator.as_rotvec() if inv: shift_corrected = rotator.apply(shift, inverse=True) return self.rotate_by_rotvec_internal(-rotvec).translate_internal( shift_corrected ) else: shift_corrected = rotator.apply(shift) return self.translate_internal(shift_corrected).rotate_by_rotvec_internal( rotvec )
[docs] def concat_with( self, other: Molecules, /, nullable: bool = True, ) -> Self: """ Concatenate the molecules with the others. Parameters ---------- other : Molecules Molecules to be concatenated. nullable : bool, default is True If true, missing features in either of the molecules will be filled with ``null``. Raise error otherwise. """ pos = np.concatenate([self.pos, other.pos], axis=0) rot = np.concatenate( [self.quaternion(), other.quaternion()], axis=0, ) if len(self.features) == 0: feat = other.features elif len(other.features) == 0: feat = self.features else: how = "diagonal" if nullable else "vertical" feat = pl.concat([self.features, other.features], how=how) return self.__class__(pos, Rotation.from_quat(rot), features=feat)
@overload def group_by(self, by: IntoExpr) -> MoleculeGroup[str]: ... @overload def group_by( self, by: Sequence[IntoExpr] | tuple[IntoExpr, ...] ) -> MoleculeGroup[tuple[str, ...]]: ... @overload def group_by( self, by: IntoExpr, *more_by: IntoExpr ) -> MoleculeGroup[tuple[str, ...]]: ...
[docs] def group_by(self, by, *more_by): """Group molecules into sub-groups.""" df = self.to_dataframe() is_single = len(more_by) == 0 and isinstance(by, str) if not isinstance(by, str): return MoleculeGroup( df.group_by(by, *more_by, maintain_order=True), single=is_single, ) else: return MoleculeGroup( df.group_by([by, *more_by], maintain_order=True), single=is_single, )
groupby = group_by # alias
[docs] def cutby(self, by: str, bins: list[float]) -> MoleculeCutGroup: """Cut molecules into sub-groups by binning.""" cat_name = ".category" while cat_name in self.features.columns: cat_name = f".{cat_name}" feature = self.features[by] cat = feature.cut(bins).alias(cat_name) # type: ignore df = self.to_dataframe().with_columns(cat) return MoleculeCutGroup( df.group_by([cat_name], maintain_order=True), label=cat_name )
[docs] def filter( self, predicate: pl.Expr | str | pl.Series | list[bool] | np.ndarray, ) -> Self: """Filter molecules by its features.""" df = self.to_dataframe() df_filt = df.filter(predicate) return self.__class__.from_dataframe(df_filt)
[docs] def head(self, n: int = 10) -> Self: """Return the first n molecules.""" df = self.to_dataframe() return self.__class__.from_dataframe(df.head(n))
[docs] def tail(self, n: int = 10) -> Self: """Return the last n molecules.""" df = self.to_dataframe() return self.__class__.from_dataframe(df.tail(n))
[docs] def sample(self, n: int = 10, seed: int | None = None) -> Self: """Return n randomly sampled molecules.""" df = self.to_dataframe() return self.__class__.from_dataframe(df.sample(n, seed=seed))
[docs] def sort( self, by: IntoExpr | Iterable[IntoExpr], *more_by: IntoExpr, descending: bool = False, ) -> Self: """ Return a new instance with sorted molecules and features. Parameters ---------- by : str or Expr or sequence of them Column name or expression to sort by. descending : bool, default is False If true, sort in descending order. """ df = self.to_dataframe() return self.__class__.from_dataframe( df.sort(by, *more_by, descending=descending) )
[docs] def with_features( self, exprs: IntoExpr | Iterable[IntoExpr], *more_exprs: IntoExpr, **named_exprs: IntoExpr, ) -> Self: """Return a new instance with updated features.""" return self.__class__( self.pos, self.rotator, features=self.features.with_columns(exprs, *more_exprs, **named_exprs), )
[docs] def drop_features(self, columns: str | Sequence[str], *more_columns: str) -> Self: """Return a new instance with updated features.""" return self.__class__( self.pos, self.rotator, features=self.features.drop(columns, *more_columns), )
[docs] def append(self, other: Molecules) -> Self: """ Mutably append molecules. Parameters ---------- other : Molecules Molecules to be appended. They must only have the subset of features, otherwise this method will raise ValueError. Returns ------- Molecules Same instance with updated values. """ if not isinstance(other, Molecules): raise TypeError(f"Expected Molecules, got {type(other)}") pos = np.concatenate([self.pos, other.pos], axis=0) rot = np.concatenate( [self.quaternion(), other.quaternion()], axis=0, ) if self.count() == 0: feat = other.features else: feat = pl.concat([self.features, other.features], how="diagonal") if len(feat.columns) != len(self.features.columns): extra = set(other.features.columns) - set(self.features.columns) raise ValueError( f"Cannot append molecules with extra columns: {extra}." ) self._pos = pos self._rotator = Rotation.from_quat(rot) self._features = feat return self
def _is_boolean_array(a: Any) -> TypeGuard[NDArray[np.bool_]]: if isinstance(a, pl.Series): return a.dtype is pl.Boolean else: return getattr(a, "dtype", None) == "bool"
[docs] def cross(x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, axis=None) -> np.ndarray: """Vector outer product in zyx coordinate.""" return -np.cross(x, y, axis=axis) # type: ignore