acryo.backend package

Module contents

class acryo.backend.AnyArray[source]

Bases: Generic[_T]

Type representing a ndarray of numpy or cupy (or any other array that has similar API).

astype(dtype: type[_T1]) AnyArray[_T1][source]
conj() AnyArray[_T][source]
dot(other: AnyArray[_T]) AnyArray[_T][source]
property dtype: dtype[_T]
property imag: AnyArray[float32]
max(axis: None = None) _T
max(axis: int | tuple[int, ...]) AnyArray[_T]

Helper for @overload to raise when called.

mean(axis: None = None) _T
mean(axis: int | tuple[int, ...]) AnyArray[_T]

Helper for @overload to raise when called.

property ndim: int
property real: AnyArray[float32]
property shape: tuple[int, ...]
class acryo.backend.Backend(name: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

affine_transform(img, matrix, output_shape: tuple[int, ...] | None = None, output=None, order: int = 3, mode: str = 'constant', cval: float = 0.0, prefilter: bool = True) AnyArray[float32][source]

Affine transform.

arange(*args, dtype: type[_T], **kwargs) AnyArray[_T][source]
arange(*args, dtype: None = None, **kwargs) AnyArray

Return evenly spaced values within a given interval.

argmax(x: AnyArray[_T], axis: None = None) int64[source]
argmax(x: AnyArray[_T], axis: int | tuple[int, ...]) AnyArray[int64]
argmin(x: AnyArray[_T], axis: None = None) int64[source]
argmin(x: AnyArray[_T], axis: int | tuple[int, ...]) AnyArray[int64]
array(x, dtype: type[_T] | dtype[_T]) AnyArray[_T][source]
array(x: AnyArray[_T] | ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_T]], dtype: None = None) AnyArray[_T]

Convert to numpy array.

asarray(x, dtype: type[_T] | dtype[_T]) AnyArray[_T][source]
asarray(x: AnyArray[_T] | ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_T]], dtype: None = None) AnyArray[_T]

Convert to numpy array.

asnumpy(x: AnyArray[_T] | ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_T]]) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_T]][source]

Convert to numpy array.

cumsum(x: AnyArray[_T], axis: int | None = None) AnyArray[_T][source]
exp(x: AnyArray[_T]) AnyArray[_T][source]

Return the exponential of an array.

fftfreq(n: int, d: float = 1.0) AnyArray[np.float_][source]

Return the Discrete Fourier Transform sample frequencies.

fftn(x: AnyArray[float32] | AnyArray[complex64], s: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None, axes: int | tuple[int, ...] | None = None) AnyArray[complex64][source]

N-dimensional FFT.

fftshift(x: AnyArray[_T], axes=None) AnyArray[_T][source]

Shift zero-frequency component to center.

fix(x: AnyArray[_T]) AnyArray[_T][source]

Round to nearest integer towards zero.

full(shape: int | tuple[int, ...], fill_value: Any, dtype: type[_T] | dtype[_T] | None = None) AnyArray[_T][source]

Return a new array of given shape and type, filled with fill_value.

ifftn(x: AnyArray[float32] | AnyArray[complex64], s: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None, axes: int | tuple[int, ...] | None = None) AnyArray[complex64][source]

N-dimensional inverse FFT.

ifftshift(x: AnyArray[_T], axes=None) AnyArray[_T][source]

Inverse shift zero-frequency component to center.

indices(shape: tuple[int], dtype: type[_T] = np.int32) tuple[AnyArray[_T]][source]
indices(shape: tuple[int, int], dtype: type[_T] = np.int32) tuple[AnyArray[_T], AnyArray[_T]]
indices(shape: tuple[int, int, int], dtype: type[_T] = np.int32) tuple[AnyArray[_T], AnyArray[_T], AnyArray[_T]]
indices(shape: tuple[int, ...], dtype: type[_T] = np.int32) tuple[AnyArray[_T], ...]

Return an array representing the indices of a grid.

irfftn(x: AnyArray[complex64], s: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None, axes: int | tuple[int, ...] | None = None) AnyArray[float32][source]

N-dimensional inverse FFT of real part.

linspace(start, stop, num: int, endpoint: bool, dtype: None = None) AnyArray[source]
linspace(start, stop, num: int, endpoint: bool, dtype: type[_T]) AnyArray[_T]

Return evenly spaced numbers over a specified interval.

lowpass_filter(img, cutoff, order: int = 2) AnyArray[float32][source]

Lowpass filter in real space.

lowpass_filter_ft(img, cutoff, order: int = 2) AnyArray[complex64][source]

Lowpass filter in Fourier space.

map_coordinates(x: AnyArray[_T], coords: AnyArray[_T], order: int = 3, mode: str = 'constant', cval: float = -1.0, prefilter: bool = True) AnyArray[_T][source]
max(x: AnyArray[_T], axis: None = None) _T[source]
max(x: AnyArray[_T], axis: int | tuple[int, ...]) AnyArray[_T]

Return the maximum of an array or maximum along an axis.

maycopy(x: AnyArray[_T]) AnyArray[_T][source]
mean(x: AnyArray[_T], axis: None = None) _T[source]
mean(x: AnyArray[_T], axis: int | tuple[int, ...]) AnyArray[_T]

Return the mean of array elements over a given axis.

meshgrid(*xi: AnyArray[_T], copy: bool = True, sparse: bool = False, indexing: Literal['xy', 'ij'] = 'xy') tuple[AnyArray[_T], ...][source]

Return coordinate matrices from coordinate vectors.

min(x: AnyArray[_T], axis: None = None) _T[source]
min(x: AnyArray[_T], axis: int | tuple[int, ...]) AnyArray[_T]

Return the minimum of an array or minimum along an axis.

missing_wedge_mask(rotator: Rotation, tilt_range: tuple[float, float], shape: tuple[int, int, int])[source]
property name: str
pad(x: AnyArray[_T], pad_width: int | Sequence[int] | Sequence[tuple[int, int]], mode: str = 'constant', **kwargs) AnyArray[_T][source]

Pad an array.

percentile(x: AnyArray[_T], q: float, axis: None = None) _T[source]
percentile(x: AnyArray[_T], q: float, axis: int | tuple[int, ...]) AnyArray[_T]

Compute the q-th percentile of the data along the specified axis.

rfftn(x: AnyArray[float32], s: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None, axes: int | tuple[int, ...] | None = None) AnyArray[complex64][source]

N-dimensional FFT of real part.

rotated_crop(subimg, mtx: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float32]], shape: tuple[int, int, int], order: int, cval: float | Callable[[AnyArray[float32]], Any]) AnyArray[float32][source]
spline_filter(input, order: int = 3, output: type[~acryo.backend._api._T] = <class 'numpy.float64'>, mode: str = 'mirror') AnyArray[_T][source]
sqrt(x: AnyArray[_T]) AnyArray[_T][source]

Return the non-negative square-root of an array.

stack(arrays: Sequence[AnyArray[_T]], axis: int = 0) AnyArray[_T][source]

Stack arrays in sequence along a new axis.

sum(x: AnyArray[_T], axis: None = None) _T[source]
sum(x: AnyArray[_T], axis: int | tuple[int, ...]) AnyArray[_T]

Return the sum of array elements over a given axis.

sum_labels(arr: AnyArray[_T], labels: AnyArray[uint16], index: AnyArray[uint16]) AnyArray[uint16][source]
tensordot(a: AnyArray[_T], b: AnyArray[_T], axes: int | tuple[int, ...] = 2) AnyArray[_T][source]

Return tensor dot product of two arrays.

unravel_index(indices, shape: tuple[int, ...]) AnyArray[int64][source]

Converts a flat index into a tuple of coordinate arrays.

zeros(shape: int | tuple[int, ...], dtype: type[_T] | dtype[_T] | None = None) AnyArray[_T][source]

Return a new array of given shape and type, filled with zeros.

acryo.backend.build_mesh(shape: tuple[int, ...], max_shifts: tuple[float, ...], upsample: int, backend: Backend) AnyArray[float32][source]

Build a meshgrid for up-sampling.

  • shape (tuple[int, int, int]) – Shape of the original volume from which up-sampling will be applied.

  • max_shifts (tuple[float, float, float]) – Maximum shifts in each direction in pixel.

  • upsample (int) – Up-sampling factor.

acryo.backend.set_backend(name: str)[source]

Set the default backend.

acryo.backend.using_backend(name: str)[source]

Context manager to temporarily change the default backend.