acryo.pipe package

Module contents

class acryo.pipe.ImageConverter(converter: Callable[[ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float32]], float], ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float32]]])[source]

Bases: _Pipeline

Functionthat convert an image.

compose(other: ImageProvider) ImageProvider[source]
compose(other: ImageConverter) ImageConverter

Function composition

convert(image: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float32]], scale: float) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float32]][source]
with_scale(scale: float) Callable[[ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float32]]], ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float32]]][source]

Partialize converter with a given scale.

class acryo.pipe.ImageProvider(provider: Callable[[float], _R])[source]

Bases: _Pipeline, Generic[_R]

Function that provides an image at a given scale.

provide(scale: float) _R[source]

Provide an image at a given scale.

acryo.pipe.center_by_mass(*args, **kwargs) NDArray[np.float32][source]

Centering an image by its center of mass.

acryo.pipe.closing(*args, **kwargs) NDArray[np.bool_][source]

Pipe operation that close (or open) a binary image using a circular structure.


radius (float) – Radius of the structure element in nanometer. If negative, opening is applied.

acryo.pipe.converter_function(fn: Callable[[Concatenate[ndarray, float, _P]], ndarray]) Callable[[_P], ImageConverter][source]

Convert a function into a curried function that returns a image converter.

Input function must accept fn(img, scale).


>>> from scipy import ndimage as ndi
>>> @converter_function
... def gaussian_filter(img, scale, sigma):
...     return ndi.gaussian_filter(img, sigma / scale)
>>> converter = gaussian_filter(1.5)
>>> converter(arr)  # return a Gaussian filtered `arr`
acryo.pipe.dilation(*args, **kwargs) NDArray[np.bool_][source]

Pipe operation that dilate (or erode) a binary image using a circular structure.


radius (float) – Radius of the structure element in nanometer. If negative, erosion is applied.

acryo.pipe.from_array(*args, **kwargs) NDArray[np.float32][source]

An image provider function using existing image array.

This function will provide a subtomogram loader with a resized image from an array. Will be used for the template images or the mask images.

>>> loader.align(
...     template=from_array(img, original_scale=0.28),
...     mask=from_file("path/to/mask.mrc"),
... )
  • img (np.ndarray) – Input image array. Must be 3D.

  • original_scale (float, optional) – If given, this value will be used as the image scale (nm/pixel) instead of the scale extracted from the image metadata.

  • tol (float) – Tolerance of the scale difference. If the relative difference is smaller than this, the image will not be resized.

acryo.pipe.from_arrays(*args, **kwargs) list[NDArray[np.float32]][source]
acryo.pipe.from_atoms(*args, **kwargs) NDArray[np.float32][source]

An image provider function using a point cloud.

Given an array of atoms, such as data extracted from a PDB file, this function can generate a 3D image of the atoms by simply building a histogram.

  • atoms ((N, 3) array) – Atoms coordinates in nanometer.

  • weights (np.ndarray, optional) – weights of the atoms.

  • center (tuple of float, optional) – Coordinates of the image center. If not given, the geometric center of the atoms will be used.

acryo.pipe.from_file(*args, **kwargs) NDArray[np.float32][source]

An image provider function with rescaling.

This function will provide a subtomogram loader with a resized image from a file. Will be used for the template images or the mask images.

>>> loader.align(
...     template=from_file("path/to/template.mrc"),
...     mask=from_file("path/to/mask.mrc"),
... )
  • path (path-like) – Path to the image.

  • original_scale (float, optional) – If given, this value will be used as the image scale (nm/pixel) instead of the scale extracted from the image metadata.

  • tol (float) – Tolerance of the scale difference. If the relative difference is smaller than this, the image will not be resized.

acryo.pipe.from_files(*args, **kwargs) list[NDArray[np.float32]][source]

Batch image provider function with rescaling.

This function will provide a subtomogram loader with resized images from files. Will be used for the template images.

>>> from glob import glob
>>> loader.align(
...     template=from_files(glob("path/to/template_*.mrc")),
...     mask=from_file("path/to/mask.mrc"),
... )
  • paths (iterable of path-like) – Paths to the image.

  • original_scale (float, optional) – If given, this value will be used as the image scale (nm/pixel) instead of the scale extracted from the image metadata.

  • tol (float) – Tolerance of the scale difference. If the relative difference is smaller than this, the image will not be resized.

acryo.pipe.from_gaussian(*args, **kwargs) NDArray[np.float32][source]

An image provider function by a Gaussian function.

This function will provide a Gaussian particle with given shape, sigma and shift from the center.

>>> loader.align(
...     template=from_gaussian(shape=(4.8, 4.8, 4.8), sigma=1.2),
...     mask=from_file("path/to/mask.mrc"),
... )
  • shape (float or tuple of float) – Shape of the output image in nm.

  • sigma (float or tuple of float) – Standard deviation of the Gaussian particle in nm.

  • shift (tuple of float, optional) – Shift of the Gaussian particle from the center in nm.

acryo.pipe.from_pdb(*args, **kwargs) NDArray[np.float32][source]

An image provider function using a PDB file.

Given a PDB file, this function can generate a 3D image from the atoms in the file.

  • file (path-like) – Path to the PDB file.

  • rotation (Rotation object, optional) – If given, the atoms will be rotated by this rotation before generating the image.

acryo.pipe.gaussian_filter(*args, **kwargs) NDArray[np.float32][source]

Gaussian filtering an image.

acryo.pipe.gaussian_smooth(*args, **kwargs) NDArray[np.float32][source]

Pipe operation that smooth a binary image using a Gaussian kernel.


sigma (float) – Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel.

acryo.pipe.highpass_filter(*args, **kwargs)[source]
acryo.pipe.lowpass_filter(*args, **kwargs)[source]
acryo.pipe.provider_function(fn: Callable[[Concatenate[float, _P]], _R]) Callable[[_P], ImageProvider[_R]][source]

Convert a function into a curried function that returns a image provider.


>>> @provider_function
... def provide_random_image(scale, shape):
...     return np.random.random(shape)
>>> provider = provide_random_image((10, 20, 30))
>>> provider(0.18)  # return a (10, 20, 30) array
acryo.pipe.shift(*args, **kwargs) NDArray[np.float32][source]

Shift the image by nm.

acryo.pipe.soft_otsu(sigma: float = 1.0, radius: float = 1.0, bins: int = 256)[source]

Pipe operation of soft Otsu thresholding.

This operation binarize an image using Otsu’s method, dilate the edges and smooth the image using a Gaussian kernel.

>>> from acryo.pipe import reader, soft_otsu
>>> loader.align(
...     template=reader("path/to/template.mrc"),
...     mask=soft_otsu(2.0, 2.0),
... )
  • sigma (float, default is 1.0) – Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel.

  • radius (float, default is 1.0) – Radius of the structure element. If negative, erosion is applied.

  • bins (int, default is 256) – Number of bins to build histogram.

acryo.pipe.threshold_otsu(*args, **kwargs) NDArray[np.bool_][source]

Pipe operation that binarize an image using Otsu’s method.


bins (int, default is 256) – Number of bins to build histogram.