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Spline to Molecules

Analysis of tomograms usually starts with placing molecules around densities. What method to be used for this initialization step largely depends on your target; if you have a plausible model of placing and orienting molecules, the task can be solve more efficiently and accurately.

As mentioned in the previous sections, cylindra can precisely determine the cylindric lattice parameters. These parameters are very useful for this purpose. For example, lattice spacing tells you in what interval you should place molecules, and the twist angle indicates how much you should rotate the coordinates for every molecule.


Following methods are prefixed with map_ but it does not mean these methods are only for microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). The "map" here came from the mathematical term, as each method defines a map \(f\colon \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}^3\) from the spline coordinate to the world Cartesian coordinate.

Molecules on the Cylinder Surface

API: map_monomers

GUI: Molecules > From/To Splines > Map monomers

This method places molecules on the surface of a cylinder. In most cases, this method will be used to determine the coodinates of monomers, such as:

  • Tubulin monomers in microtubules
  • G-actin in actin filaments

Map monomers

List of parameters
  1. In "splines", select which splines you will use for placing molecules.
  2. "orientation" defines in which direction the molecules will face. The y axis of the molecule local coordinates will be either parallel or anti-parallel to the spline tangent vector. If the "orientation" of the spline is "MinusToPlus" and this parameter is set to "MinusToPlus", the y axis will be parallel to the spline.
  3. "offsets" defines the starting point of the first molecule. If the spline has global properties "offset_axial" and "offset_angular", they will be used by default. You don't have to set this parameter in most cases, as you can use align_averaged to shift the molecules.
  4. "radius" defines the radius of the cylinder. If the spline has global property "radius", it will be used by default. If the spline has global property "offset_radial", it will be added to the radius.
  5. "extensions" is the number of molecules to be prepended and appended. The spline will be linearly extrapolated to calculate the positions of these molecules.
  6. You can use any molecules-layer name prefix you like by providing the "prefix" parameter.

Following image shows an example of the result of this operation.

Map monomers result

Molecules along the Spline

API: map_along_spline

GUI: Molecules > From/To Splines > Map centers

This method places molecules along the spline. Each molecule will be rotated by the twist angle of the spline. This method will be used for sampling fragments along filaments.

Map along spline

List of parameters
  1. In "splines", select which splines you will use for placing molecules.
  2. "molecule interval" defines the distance between molecules. This box evaluates Python literals and the spline global properties are available using the col function of polars. For example, if the "spacing" property is 4.05 and you set this parameter to col("spacing") * 2, this input will be evaluated to 8.1. For more details, see Expressions.
  3. "orientation" defines in which direction the molecules will face. The y axis of the molecule local coordinates will be either parallel or anti-parallel to the spline tangent vector. If the "orientation" of the spline is "MinusToPlus" and this parameter is set to "MinusToPlus", the y axis will be parallel to the spline.
  4. You can use any molecules-layer name prefix you like by providing the "prefix" parameter.

Molecules along a Protofilament

API: map_along_pf

GUI: Molecules > From/To Splines > Map along PF

This method will place a subset of molecules that would be placed by map_monomers. This method will be useful for, for example, placing molecules along the interface between A- and B-tubules of cilia.

Map along PF

List of parameters
  1. In "spline", select which spline you will use for placing molecules.
  2. "molecule interval" defines the distance between molecules. This box evaluates Python literals and the spline global properties are available using the col function of polars. For example, if the "spacing" property is 4.05 and you set this parameter to col("spacing") * 2, this input will be evaluated to 8.1. For more details, see Expressions.
  3. "offsets" defines the starting point of the first molecule. This is important to define in which protofilament molecules will be placed.
  4. "orientation" defines in which direction the molecules will face. The y axis of the molecule local coordinates will be either parallel or anti-parallel to the spline tangent vector. If the "orientation" of the spline is "MinusToPlus" and this parameter is set to "MinusToPlus", the y axis will be parallel to the spline.
  5. You can use any molecules-layer name prefix you like by providing the "prefix" parameter.

Programmatic Access

Molecules as a layer

All the molecules are added to the napari viewer as a MoleculesLayer, a subclass of the Points layer. In the layer controls, you can adjust how the layer looks, e.g. color, size, and opacity.


The layer control for MoleculesLayer is different from that of Points layer.

All the layers in napari are stored in the layers attribute. For example, you can get the layer named "Mole-0" by following code.

# `viewer` is the napari viewer object.

# The `parent_viewer` is the parent napari viewer of the `cylindra` GUI, thun points to
# the same viewer object.

However, the cylindra GUI has another convenient accessor mole_layers that only considers the MoleculesLayer objects.

layer = ui.mole_layers["Mole-0"]  # get the layer named "Mole-0"

# iterate over all the molecules-layer
for layer in ui.mole_layers:


Unlike Points layers, MoleculesLayer stores additional components. - layer.molecules: Molecules object of acryo. - layer.source_spline: The source spline object which was used to generate the molecules (if exists). This is a weak reference, so this spline object will be deleted if you deleted or updated the spline.

Positional coordinates

The positional coordinates (in nanometer) of the molecules can be accessed by the data attribute as a numpy array, as in the Points layer. This array is identical to the array returned by the pos property of the Molecules object.

layer = ui.mole_layers["Mole-0"]  # get the layer named "Mole-0"  # or `layer.molecules.pos`
array([[ 18.7135, 187.5845,  40.6184],
       [ 23.8331, 188.1172,  39.1194],
       [ 10.168 , 114.0109,  59.1649],
       [ 14.1981, 115.9287,  62.1349]], dtype=float32)

Molecule rotations

The "rotation" of a molecule is defined by the transformation to fit the world z, y, x axes to the molecule local z, y, x axes. Rotation is represented by a Rotation object of scipy.

Rotation object is stored as the rotator attribute of the Molecules.

<scipy.spatial.transform._rotation.Rotation at XXXXXXX>

Rotation object can be converted to many representations including rotation matrix, Euler angles, quaternion and rotation vector. You can get these representations by following methods.

# get the ZXZ-Euler angles in degrees as (N, 3) array
Molecules.euler_angle("ZXZ", degrees=True)

# get the rotation vector (z, y, x) as (N, 3) array

# get the Quaternion as (N, 4) array

# get the rotation matrix as (N, 3, 3) array

For more information, see acryo documentation