acryo.testing package


acryo.testing.core module

class acryo.testing.core.TomogramGenerator(template: ndarray, grid_shape: tuple[int, int] = (10, 10), rotations=None, noise_sigma: float = 1, seed: int = 0)[source]

Bases: object

A tester class for subtomogram averaging and alignment.

Given a template image, this class can create tomogram by assembling rotated, noisy template images gridwise. Molecules objects can also be sampled with arbitrary positional errors.

get_tomogram(pad_width: int = 0, tilt_range: tuple[float, float] = (-90, 90)) ndarray[source]
property grid_shape
property noise_sigma
property quaternions
sample_molecules(max_distance: float = 3.0, scale: float = 1.0)[source]
property template
acryo.testing.core.wrange(l0: int, l1: int)[source]

Module contents

class acryo.testing.TomogramGenerator(template: ndarray, grid_shape: tuple[int, int] = (10, 10), rotations=None, noise_sigma: float = 1, seed: int = 0)[source]

Bases: object

A tester class for subtomogram averaging and alignment.

Given a template image, this class can create tomogram by assembling rotated, noisy template images gridwise. Molecules objects can also be sampled with arbitrary positional errors.

get_tomogram(pad_width: int = 0, tilt_range: tuple[float, float] = (-90, 90)) ndarray[source]
property grid_shape
property noise_sigma
property quaternions
sample_molecules(max_distance: float = 3.0, scale: float = 1.0)[source]
property template
acryo.testing.blobs() ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float32]][source]
acryo.testing.spiral(radius: float = 4.0, freq: float = 1.0, shape: tuple[int, int, int] = (40, 40, 40)) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float32]][source]