Use Non-main Window Table Viewers

Aiming at better extensibility, tabulous is designed to allow many different types of integration to external packages.

Use TableViewer in Your Qt Widget

If you plan to use a table viewer as a child of another QWidget, you can use a non-main window version of it. The native property returns the Qt backend widget.

from tabulous import TableViewerWidget
from qtpy import QtWidgets as QtW

class MyQWidget(QtW.QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):
        self.table = TableViewerWidget()


A benefit of using tabulous is that a table widget usually takes too much space but this problem can be solve by popup view of tables in tabulous. See View Tables in Different Modes for more detail.


To avoid conflicting with the main widget, the non-main-window version of table viewer has some restriction. For instance, embedded console does not open with shortcut Ctrl+Shift+C so you have to programmatically open it by viewer.console.visible = True.

Use TableViewer with magicgui

If you want to use a magicgui version of it, you can use MagicTableViewer. MagicTableViewer` is a subclass of TableViewerWidget and magicgui.widgets.Widget so it is compatible with all the magicgui functionalities.

In following simple example you can load a table data from a file.

from tabulous import MagicTableViewer
from magicgui.widgets import Container, FileEdit

viewer = MagicTableViewer()
file_edit = FileEdit()

container = Container()

MagicTableViewer can also easily be used with magic-class. Following example does similar thing as the one above.

from tabulous import MagicTableViewer
from pathlib import Path
from magicclass import magicclass, field

class A:
    table_viewer = field(MagicTableViewer)

    def load_data(self, path: Path):

ui = A()

Use Tables in Your Widget

All the tables can also be used in other widgets. For instance, following example shows how to use a spreadsheet in your widget.

from tabulous.widgets import SpreadSheet
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QWidget, QVBoxLayout

class MyWidget(QWidget):
    def __init__(self):

widget = MyWidget()

Table-specific shortcuts, such as copy/paste and undo/redo are available in the table.