
Open A Table Viewer

The main window of tabulous is a TableViewer instance.

from tabulous import TableViewer

viewer = TableViewer()

You can also read table data from files to create a viewer.

import tabulous as tbl

# Read a csv file and add it to the viewer, just like pd.read_csv
viewer = tbl.read_csv("path/to/data.csv")

# Read a Excel file and add all the sheets to the viewer.
viewer = tbl.read_excel("path/to/data.xlsx")

If virtual environment (such as conda) is used, you can use tabulous command to launch a viewer.

$ tabulous  # just launch a viewer

$ tabulous ./path/to/data.csv  # open a table file in the viewer

Open an Interpreter

tabulous viewer has an embedded Python interpreter console. It is not visible by default but you can show it in several ways.

  1. Set visible property of console interface to True: >>> viewer.conosole.visible = True

  2. Activate keyboard shortcut Ctrl Shift C.

  3. Click the toggle_console tool button in the the toolbar.

In tabulous viewer there are additional keybindings.

  • Ctrl Shift : Set console floating.

  • Ctrl Shift : Dock console.

Use Tables

In tabulous, table data is handled based on pandas. A TableViewer instance has several methods that add DataFrame to the viewer.

  1. add_table() … add a table data as a Table object.

  2. add_spreadsheet() … add a table data as a SpreadSheet object.


A Table is the most simple interface with DataFrame.

  • It stores a copy of an input DataFrame as is.

  • It is not editable by default.

  • Table shape is fixed unless data is fully updated by table.data = new_data.

  • When edited, the input value will be checked for the column data type. Wrong input will be rejected.

A DataFrame (or other objects that can be converted into a DataFrame) can be added to the viewer using add_table() method.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [4, 5, 6]})

table = viewer.add_table(df, name="table name")
Table<'table name'>


The newly added table is stored in tables property of the viewer in a list like structure.

viewer.tables[0]  # the 0-th table

You can rename a table by name property. Tab name is also renamed accordingly.

table.name = "new name"

You have to pass editable=True or set the editable property to make it editable on GUI.

# pass the option
table = viewer.add_table(df, editable=True)
# or set the property
table.editable = True

Table data is available in data property. You can also update the table data by directly setting the data property.

df = table.data  # get the table data as a DataFrame
table.data = df2  # set a new table data

The selected range of data is available in selections property. You can also programmatically set table selections via selections property. Since table selections are multi-selection, this property takes a list of slicable objects.

# print all the selected data
for sel in table.selections:

# set selections
table.selections = [(2, 4), (slice(10, 20), slice(2, 4))]

See Table Selections and Highlights for more details.


A SpreadSheet behaves more like Excel or Google Spreadsheet.

  • It stores a copy of an input DataFrame as “string” types.

  • It is editable by default and the input value will not be checked.

  • Shape of table is unlimited (as far as it is not too large).

  • The data type is inferred by pd.read_csv() when it is obtained by data property.

For instance, if you manually edited the cells


then you’ll get following DataFrame.

   A  B
0  2  t
1  3  u

# dtypes
A     int64
B    object

Rows and columns can be inserted or removed in the right-click contextmenu.

A spreadsheet can be added to the viewer by add_spreadsheet() method.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [4, 5, 6]})

sheet = viewer.add_spreadsheet(df, name="sheet")

Since a SpreadSheet is easily editable, it is reasonable to add an empty spreadsheet to the viewer.

sheet = viewer.add_spreadsheet()  # add an empty spreadsheet

For more details …

Table List

All the table data is available in tables property. It is a list like object with some extended methods.

viewer.tables[0]  # the 0-th table
viewer.tables["table-name"]  # the table with name "table-name"
viewer.get("table-name", None)  # the table with name "table-name" if exists
del viewer.tables[0]  # delete the 0-th table
viewer.tables.move(0, 2)  # move the 0-th table to the 2-th position

You can also get currently acitive (visible) table or its index with viewer.current_table or viewer.current_index.

Key combo

tabulous supports many keyboard shortcuts including key combo.

All the global key map is listed in a widget that will be shown when you press Ctrl KShift ? key combo.

keymap is the key map registry object of table viewers. You can use register() to register custom key combo.

# simple key binding
def function(viewer):
    """do something"""

# key combo
@viewer.keymap.register("Ctrl+K, Ctrl+Q")
def function(viewer):
    """do something"""

# overwrite an existing key combo
@viewer.keymap.register("Ctrl+K, Ctrl+Q", overwrite=True)
def function(viewer):
    """do something"""

Command palette

New in version 0.4.0.

Ctrl Shift P or F1 opens a command palette widget. You can search for a variety of registered commands.
