Register Custom Actions

Tabulous viewer has several components that support custom action registration using method register(). All the register() methods will be used as following syntax.

# viewer specific actions
@viewer.XXX.register("<Location description>")
def func(viewer):

# table specific actions
@table.XXX.register("<Location description>")
def func(table):

Custom Contextmenu Actions

Currently there are four components that support custom action registration.

  1. Tab bar

  2. Vertical header

  3. Horizontal header

  4. Table cells

Suppose you have a viewer and a table:

from tabulous import TableViewer
viewer = TableViewer()
table = viewer.add_table({"a": [0, 1, 2]})

you can register functions using following methods.

  1. viewer.tables.register() … register action to the tab bar.

  2. table.index.register() … register action to the vertical header.

  3. table.columns.register() … register action to the horizontal header.

  4. table.cells.register() … register action to the table cells.


register_action() is deprecated version of register() until 0.4.0.

Register actions to the tab bar

Action for viewer.tables.register() must have signature (viewer, index: int) or its shorter version such as (viewer). viewer is the viewer object to which the action is registered and index is the index of the right-clicked tab.

from tabulous import TableViewerBase

# register function "func" as an action named "Print tab name"
@viewer.tables.register("Print tab name")
def func(viewer: TableViewerBase, index: int):

If you want to register it at a submenu, use ">" as the separator.

@viewer.tables.register("Custom menu > Print tab name")
def func(viewer: TableViewerBase, index: int):

Register actions to the headers

Other register() method works similarly. In the case of headers, the signature for the action is (table, index: int) or its shorter version such as (table). Here, table is the table object to which action is registered and index is the index of the right-clicked position (ready for iloc).

from tabulous.widgets import TableBase

@table.index.register("Print this row")
def func(table: TableBase, index: int):
    print([index, :])

@table.columns.register("Print this column")
def func(table: TableBase, index: int):
    print([:, index])

Register actions to the cells

The register() method for cells also work in a similar way, but has signature (table, index: tuple[int, int]) or its shorter version such as (table). Here, table is the table object to which action is registered index is a tuple of row index and column index (ready for iloc).

@table.cell.register("Print this value")
def func(table: TableBase, index: tuple[int, int]):

Custom Command in Command Palette

tabulous provides a command palette for executing actions. You can register your own actions to the command palette using register() method.

from tabulous import TableViewer

viewer = TableViewer()

# will be register under "User defined" context
@viewer.command_palette.register("Print all table names")
def func(viewer: TableViewer):
    for table in viewer.tables:

# will be register under "Table" context
@viewer.command_palette.register("Table: Print current table name")
def func(viewer: TableViewer):

Custom Keybindings

Both viewers and tables have keymap attribute for keymap registration.

  1. viewer.keymap.register() … register keybindings to the viewer.

  2. table.keymap.register() … register keybindings to a table.

from tabulous import TableViewer

viewer = TableViewer()

# register function "func" as an action for key "Ctrl+U"
def func(viewer: TableViewer):
    print("Ctrl+U is pressed")

# register function "func" as an action for key combo "Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U"
@viewer.keymap.register("Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U")
def func(viewer: TableViewer):
    print("keycombo Ctrl+K -> Ctrl+U is pressed")