Source code for tabulous.exceptions

from __future__ import annotations
import sys
from typing import Any, Callable
from types import TracebackType

__all__ = ["SelectionRangeError", "ExceptionHandler"]

[docs]class SelectionRangeError(ValueError): """Raised when the exception is caused by wrong selection range(s)."""
class TableImmutableError(ValueError): """Raised when immutable table was being tried to edit.""" class TriggerParent(RuntimeError): """Should try to trigger parent's keybinding instead of the current one""" class TableNotOrderedError(ValueError): """Raised when an operation is undefined if table is not ordered.""" class UnreachableError(RuntimeError): """Raised when an unreachable code is reached."""
[docs]class ExceptionHandler: """Handle exceptions in the GUI thread.""" def __init__( self, hook: Callable[[type[Exception], Exception, TracebackType], Any] ): self._excepthook = hook def __enter__(self): self._original_excepthook = sys.excepthook sys.excepthook = self._excepthook return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): sys.excepthook = self._original_excepthook return None