Source code for tabulous.types

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import (
from enum import Enum

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray

    import pandas as pd

    _TableLike = Union[pd.DataFrame, dict, Iterable, ArrayLike]
    from .widgets._component import SelectionRanges
    _TableLike = Any
    SelectionRanges = MutableSequence[Tuple[slice, slice]]

__all__ = [

    TableData = NewType("TableData", pd.DataFrame)
    TableColumn = NewType("TableColumn", pd.Series)
    TableData = NewType("TableData", Any)
    TableColumn = NewType("TableColumn", Any)

TableDataTuple = NewType("TableDataTuple", tuple)

class TableInfoAlias(type):
    def __getitem__(cls, names: str | tuple[str, ...]):
        from typing_extensions import Annotated

        if isinstance(names, str):
            names = (names,)
            for name in names:
                if not isinstance(name, str):
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Cannot subscribe type {type(name)} to TableInfo."

        return Annotated[TableInfoInstance, {"column_choice_names": names}]

[docs]class TableInfo(metaclass=TableInfoAlias): """ A generic type to describe a DataFrame and its column names. ``TableInfo["x", "y"]`` is equivalent to ``tuple[pd.DataFrame, str, str]`` with additional information for magicgui construction. """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): raise TypeError(f"Type {cls.__name__} cannot be instantiated.")
class TableInfoInstance(Tuple["pd.DataFrame", List[str]]): def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): raise TypeError(f"Type {cls.__name__} cannot be instantiated.") _IntArray = NDArray[np.integer] _BoolArray = NDArray[np.bool_] _IntOrBoolArray = Union[_IntArray, _BoolArray] ProxyType = Union[Callable[["pd.DataFrame"], _IntOrBoolArray], _IntOrBoolArray] class TabPosition(Enum): """Enum for tab position.""" top = "top" left = "left" bottom = "bottom" right = "right" class _InfoVar: def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: self._name = name def __repr__(self) -> str: return self._name def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if isinstance(other, _InfoVar): return self._name == other._name return False
[docs]class ItemInfo(NamedTuple): """ A named tuple for item update. Value takes (row, column, value, old_value) where row : int or slice Row index or slice where item edited. column : int or slice Column index or slice where item edited. value : Any New value of the item. old_value : Any Old value of the item. If a row or column is deleted, the value is set to ``DELETED``. If a row or column is inserted, the old_value is set to ``INSERTED``. """ # class variables DELETED = _InfoVar("DELETED") INSERTED = _InfoVar("INSERTED") row: int | slice column: int | slice value: Any old_value: Any @property def col(self) -> int | slice: """Alias of `column`.""" return self.column
[docs]class HeaderInfo(NamedTuple): """ A named tuple for header update. Value takes (index, value, old_value) where index : int Index where item edited. value : Any New value of the item. old_value : Any Old value of the item. """ index: int value: Any old_value: Any
class EvalInfo(NamedTuple): """ A named tuple for evaluation. Value takes (row, column, expr, old_value, is_ref) where pos : tuple[int, int] The visual position of the cell where expression is evaluated. source_pos : tuple[int, int] The source position of the cell where expression is evaluated. expr : str Expression to be evaluated. is_ref: bool Whether the expression take references in the table. """ pos: tuple[int, int] source_pos: tuple[int, int] expr: str is_ref: bool @property def col(self) -> int: """Alias of `column`.""" return self.column _Sliceable = Union[SupportsIndex, slice] _SingleSelection = Tuple[_Sliceable, _Sliceable] SelectionType = List[_SingleSelection] def __getattr__(name: str) -> Any: if name == "FilterType": import warnings warnings.warn( "'FilterType 'is deprecated. Please use 'ProxyType' instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return ProxyType raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}") ColorType = Union[str, Iterable[int]] ColorMapping = Union[Callable[[Any], ColorType], Mapping[str, ColorType]]