Source code for tabulous.widgets._mainwindow

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractproperty
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from types import MappingProxyType
import warnings
import weakref
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Generic, Union, TypeVar
from psygnal import Signal, SignalGroup
from superqt.utils import thread_worker

from ._table import Table, SpreadSheet, GroupBy, TableDisplay
from ._tablelist import TableList
from ._sample import open_sample
from ._component import Toolbar, Console, CommandPalette
from ._source import Source
from . import _doc

from tabulous import _utils, _io
from tabulous.types import SelectionType, TabPosition, _TableLike, _SingleSelection
from tabulous.exceptions import UnreachableError
from tabulous.widgets._keymap_abc import SupportKeyMap

    from tabulous.widgets._table import TableBase
    from tabulous._qt import QMainWindow, QMainWidget
    from tabulous._qt._dockwidget import QtDockWidget
    from tabulous._qt._mainwindow import _QtMainWidgetBase
    from tabulous._qt._mainwindow._namespace import Namespace
    from qtpy.QtWidgets import QWidget
    from magicgui.widgets import Widget
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd

PathLike = Union[str, Path, bytes]
_T = TypeVar("_T")

class TableType(Enum):
    table = "table"
    spreadsheet = "spreadsheet"

class TableViewerSignal(SignalGroup):
    """Signal group for table viewer."""

    current_index = Signal(int)

class _AbstractViewer(ABC):
    def current_table(self) -> TableBase | None:
        """Return the currently visible table."""

    def current_index(self) -> int | None:
        """Return the index of currently visible table."""

    def cell_namespace(self) -> Namespace:
        """Return the namespace of the cell editor."""

    def data(self) -> pd.DataFrame | None:
        """The data of the current table if exists."""
        table = self.current_table
        if table is None:
            return None

    def config(self) -> MappingProxyType:
        """Return the config info."""
        return _utils.get_config().as_immutable()

    def reset_choices(self, *_):

    def copy_data(
        selections: SelectionType | _SingleSelection | None = None,
        headers: bool = False,
        sep: str = "\t",
    ) -> None:
        """Copy selected cells to clipboard."""
        if selections is not None:
            self.current_table.selections = selections
        return self.current_table._qwidget.copyToClipboard(headers=headers, sep=sep)

    def paste_data(
        selections: SelectionType | _SingleSelection | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Paste from clipboard."""
        if selections is not None:
            self.current_table.selections = selections
        return self.current_table._qwidget.pasteFromClipBoard()

class IPyProperty(Generic[_T]):
    Essentially identical to the getter-only property.

    IPython runtime auto-completion checks if the evaluation has any side effects.
    If an attribute is a property, it immediately skips the auto-completion check.

    def __init__(self, fget: Callable[[Any], _T]):
        self.fget = fget

    def __get__(self, instance, owner=None) -> _T:
        if instance is None:
            raise AttributeError("Can only be accessed via an instance.")
        return self.fget(instance)

[docs]class TableViewerBase(_AbstractViewer, SupportKeyMap): """The base class of a table viewer widget.""" events: TableViewerSignal _qwidget_class: type[_QtMainWidgetBase] toolbar = Toolbar() console = Console() command_palette = CommandPalette() def __init__( self, *, tab_position: TabPosition | str =, show: bool = True, ): from tabulous._qt import get_app from tabulous._utils import get_post_initializers app = get_app() # noqa: F841 self._qwidget = self._qwidget_class(tab_position=tab_position) self._qwidget._table_viewer = self self._tablist = TableList(parent=self) self._link_events() = TableViewerSignal() self._table_initializer = None _init = get_post_initializers() if _init is not None: viewer_initializer, self._table_initializer = _init viewer_initializer.initialize_viewer(self) if show: def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<{type(self).__name__} widget at {hex(id(self))}>" @IPyProperty def current_table(self) -> TableBase | None: """Return the currently visible table.""" if len(self.tables) > 0: return self.tables[self.current_index] return None @property def current_index(self) -> int | None: """Return the index of currently visible table.""" stack = self._qwidget._tablestack if stack.isEmpty(): return None return stack.currentIndex() @current_index.setter def current_index(self, index: int | str): if isinstance(index, str): index = self.tables.index(index) elif index < 0: index += len(self.tables) return self._qwidget._tablestack.setCurrentIndex(index) @IPyProperty def tables(self) -> TableList: """Return the table list object.""" return self._tablist @property def native(self) -> _QtMainWidgetBase: """Return the native widget.""" return self._qwidget @property def cell_namespace(self) -> Namespace: """Return the namespace of the cell editor.""" return self._qwidget._namespace @property def history_manager(self): """The file I/O history manager.""" return self._qwidget._hist_mgr @property def theme(self) -> str: """Get current widget theme name.""" return self._qwidget._style_theme @theme.setter def theme(self, theme: str): self._qwidget.applyTheme(theme)
[docs] def show(self, *, run: bool = True) -> None: """Show the widget.""" if run: from tabulous._qt._app import run_app run_app() return None
[docs] def screenshot(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get screenshot of the widget.""" return self._qwidget.screenshot()
[docs] def save_screenshot(self, path: str): """Save screenshot of the widget.""" from PIL import Image arr = self.screenshot() Image.fromarray(arr).save(path) return None
[docs] @_doc.update_doc def add_table( self, data: _TableLike | None = None, *, name: str | None = None, editable: bool = False, copy: bool = True, metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None, update: bool = False, ) -> Table: """ Add data as a table. Parameters ---------- data : DataFrame like, optional Table data to add. {name}{editable}{copy}{metadata}{update} Returns ------- Table The added table object. """ if copy: data = _copy_dataframe(data) table = Table(data, name=name, editable=editable, metadata=metadata) return self.add_layer(table, update=update)
[docs] def add_spreadsheet( self, data: _TableLike | None = None, *, name: str | None = None, editable: bool = True, copy: bool = True, metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None, update: bool = False, dtyped: bool = False, ) -> SpreadSheet: """ Add data as a spreadsheet. Parameters ---------- data : DataFrame like, optional Table data to add. {name}{editable}{copy}{metadata}{update} dtyped : bool, default is False If True, dtypes of the dataframe columns will be saved in the spreadsheet. Typed spreadsheet is safer for data recovery but less flexible for editing. Returns ------- SpreadSheet The added spreadsheet object. """ if copy: data = _copy_dataframe(data) table = SpreadSheet(data, name=name, editable=editable, metadata=metadata) if dtyped: for icol, dtype in enumerate(data.dtypes): col = table.columns[icol] table.dtypes.set(col, dtype) table.undo_manager.clear() return self.add_layer(table, update=update)
[docs] def add_groupby( self, data, *, name: str | None = None, metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None, update: bool = False, ) -> GroupBy: """ Add a groupby object. Parameters ---------- data : DataFrameGroupBy like object The groupby object to add. {name}{metadata}{update} Returns ------- GroupBy A groupby table. """ table = GroupBy(data, name=name, metadata=metadata) return self.add_layer(table, update=update)
[docs] def add_loader( self, loader: Callable[[], _TableLike], *, name: str | None = None, metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None, update: bool = False, ) -> TableDisplay: """ Add a data frame loader function and continuously update the table. Parameters ---------- loader : callable The loader function. {name}{metadata}{update} Returns ------- TableDisplay A table display object. """ table = TableDisplay(loader, name=name, metadata=metadata) return self.add_layer(table, update=update)
[docs] def add_layer(self, input: TableBase, *, update: bool = False): """Add any table object to the viewer.""" if table := self.current_table: table_has_focus = table.native._qtable_view.hasFocus() else: table_has_focus = False if ( update and (table := self.tables.get(, None)) and type(table) is type(input) ): = return table self.tables.append(input) self.current_index = -1 # activate the last table if self._table_initializer is not None: self._table_initializer.initialize_table(input) if table_has_focus: self._qwidget.setCellFocus() return input
[docs] def open(self, path: PathLike, *, type: TableType | str = TableType.table) -> None: """ Read a table data and add to the viewer. Parameters ---------- path : path like File path. """ path = Path(path) type = TableType(type) if type is TableType.table: fopen = self.add_table elif type is TableType.spreadsheet: fopen = self.add_spreadsheet else: raise UnreachableError(type) out = _io.open_file(path) if isinstance(out, dict): for sheet_name, df in out.items(): table = fopen(df, name=sheet_name) table._source = Source(path) else: table = fopen(out, name=path.stem) table._source = Source(path) _utils.dump_file_open_path(path) return None
[docs] def save(self, path: PathLike) -> None: """Save current table.""" warnings.warn( " is deprecated. Use instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) _io.save_file(path, return None
[docs] def save_all(self, path: PathLike) -> None: """Save all tables.""" path = Path(path) if path.is_dir(): paths = [path / f"{}.csv" for table in self.tables] elif"*") == 1: paths = [str(path).replace("*", for table in self.tables] elif path.suffix in (".xlsx", ".xls"): import pandas as pd from tabulous._pd_index import is_ranged with pd.ExcelWriter(path, mode="w") as writer: for table in self.tables: df = df.to_excel( writer,, index=not is_ranged(df.index), header=not is_ranged(df.columns), ) return None else: raise ValueError("Invalid path.") for table, fp in zip(self.tables, paths): _io.save_file(fp, return None
[docs] def open_sample( self, sample_name: str, *, plugin: str = "seaborn", type: TableType | str = TableType.table, asynchronous: bool = False, ) -> Table: """Open a sample table.""" type = TableType(type) if type is TableType.table: fopen = partial(self.add_table, name=sample_name) elif type is TableType.spreadsheet: fopen = partial(self.add_spreadsheet, name=sample_name) else: raise UnreachableError(type) if asynchronous: worker = thread_worker(open_sample)(sample_name, plugin) worker.returned.connect(fopen) self.native._tablestack._info_stack.addWorker( worker, f"Fetching {sample_name!r} data." ) worker.start() else: df = open_sample(sample_name, plugin) return fopen(df)
[docs] def copy_data( self, selections: SelectionType | _SingleSelection | None = None, *, headers: bool = False, sep: str = "\t", ) -> None: """Copy selected cells to clipboard.""" if selections is not None: self.current_table.selections = selections return self.current_table._qwidget.copyToClipboard(headers=headers, sep=sep)
[docs] def paste_data( self, selections: SelectionType | _SingleSelection | None = None, ) -> None: """Paste from clipboard.""" if selections is not None: self.current_table.selections = selections return self.current_table._qwidget.pasteFromClipBoard()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the viewer.""" for table in self.tables: table.native.disconnectItemChangedSignal() self.tables.clear() return self._qwidget.close()
@property def status(self) -> str: """Return the statup tip""" return self._status @status.setter def status(self, tip: str) -> None: """Set the status tip""" self._status = tip statusbar = self._qwidget.statusBar() return statusbar.showMessage(tip)
[docs] def resize(self, width: int, height: int): """Resize the table viewer.""" warnings.warn( "viewer.resize() is deprecated. Use `viewer.size` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) self.size = width, height
@property def size(self) -> tuple[int, int]: """Return the size of the table viewer.""" return self._qwidget.size().width(), self._qwidget.size().height() @size.setter def size(self, size: tuple[int, int]): """Set the size of the table viewer.""" w, h = size return self._qwidget.resize(int(w), int(h)) def _link_events(self): _tablist = self.tables _qtablist = self._qwidget._tablestack def _insert_qtable(i: int): table = _tablist[i] _qtablist.addTable(table._qwidget, def _remove_qtable(index: int, table: TableBase): _qtablist.blockSignals(True) try: _qtablist.takeTable(index) finally: _qtablist.blockSignals(False) def _move_qtable(src: int, dst: int): # Evented list emits (0, 1) when move(0, 2) is called (v0.3.5 now). _qtablist.blockSignals(True) try: _qtablist.moveTable(src, dst) finally: _qtablist.blockSignals(False) def _rename_qtable(index: int, name: str): with _qtablist.renameTable(index, name) @_qtablist.itemMoved.connect def _move_pytable(src: int, dst: int): """Move evented list when list is moved in GUI.""" if src < dst: dst += 1 with self.tables.move(src, dst) @_qtablist.tableRenamed.connect def _rename_pytable(index: int, name: str): self.tables.rename(index, name) @_qtablist.tableRemoved.connect def _remove_pytable(index: int): with del self.tables[index] @_qtablist.tablePassed.connect def _pass_pytable(src, index: int, dst): src_ = _find_parent_table(src) dst_ = _find_parent_table(dst) dst_.tables.append(src_.tables.pop(index)) _qtablist.itemDropped.connect( # reset choices when something changed in python table list def _unlink_events(self): _tablist = self.tables _qtablist = self._qwidget._tablestack _qtablist.itemMoved.disconnect() _qtablist.tableRenamed.disconnect() _qtablist.tableRemoved.disconnect() _qtablist.tablePassed.disconnect() _qtablist.itemDropped.disconnect()
[docs]class TableViewerWidget(TableViewerBase): """The non-main table viewer widget.""" events: TableViewerSignal _qwidget: QMainWidget @property def _qwidget_class(self) -> QMainWidget: from tabulous._qt import QMainWidget return QMainWidget
[docs] def add_widget( self, widget: Widget | QWidget, *, name: str = "", ): """Add a widget to the viewer as a child floating widget.""" backend_widget, name = _normalize_widget(widget, name) backend_widget.setParent(self._qwidget, backend_widget.windowFlags()) return backend_widget
[docs]class TableViewer(TableViewerBase): """The main table viewer widget.""" events: TableViewerSignal _dock_widgets: weakref.WeakValueDictionary[str, QtDockWidget] _qwidget: QMainWindow @property def _qwidget_class(self) -> QMainWindow: from tabulous._qt import QMainWindow return QMainWindow def __init__( self, *, tab_position: TabPosition | str =, show: bool = True, ): self._dock_widgets = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() self._status = "" super().__init__( tab_position=tab_position, show=show, ) @property def config(self) -> MappingProxyType: """Return the config info.""" from tabulous._utils import get_config return get_config().as_immutable()
[docs] def add_dock_widget( self, widget: Widget | QWidget, *, name: str = "", area: str = "right", allowed_areas: list[str] | None = None, ): """ Add a Qt or magic widget as a dock widget of the table viewer. Parameters ---------- widget : magicgui.widgets.Widget or QWidget Widget to add to the table viewer. name : str, optional Name of the widget. area : str, default is "right" The initial area of the dock widget. allowed_areas : list of str, optional The allowed areas of the dock widget. """ backend_widget, name = _normalize_widget(widget, name) dock = self._qwidget.addDockWidget( backend_widget, name=name, area=area, allowed_areas=allowed_areas ) dock.setSourceObject(widget) self._dock_widgets[name] = dock return dock
[docs] def remove_dock_widget(self, name_or_widget: str | Widget | QWidget): """Remove dock widget from the table viewer.""" if isinstance(name_or_widget, str): name = name_or_widget dock = self._dock_widgets[name_or_widget] else: for k, v in self._dock_widgets.items(): if v is name_or_widget: name = k dock = v break else: raise ValueError(f"Widget {name_or_widget!r} not found.") self._qwidget.removeDockWidget(dock) self._dock_widgets.pop(name) return None
[docs] def reset_choices(self, *_): """Reset all the magicgui combo boxes.""" for dock in self._dock_widgets.values(): widget = dock.widget if hasattr(widget, "reset_choices"): widget.reset_choices()
class DummyViewer(_AbstractViewer): """ The dummy object that emulates the table viewer. This is used when a table is used without a viewer, while make many commands still available from the table. """ _namespace: Namespace | None = None def __init__(self, table: TableBase): self._table = table @property def current_table(self) -> TableBase: return self._table @property def current_index(self) -> int: return 0 @property def cell_namespace(self) -> Namespace: """Return the namespace of the cell editor.""" cls = self.__class__ if cls._namespace is None: from tabulous._qt._mainwindow._namespace import Namespace from tabulous._utils import load_cell_namespace cls._namespace = Namespace() # update with user namespace cls._namespace.update_safely(load_cell_namespace()) return cls._namespace def _normalize_widget(widget: Widget | QWidget, name: str) -> tuple[QWidget, str]: if hasattr(widget, "native"): backend_widget = widget.native if not name: name = else: backend_widget = widget if not name: name = backend_widget.objectName() return backend_widget, name def _copy_dataframe(data) -> pd.DataFrame: import pandas as pd if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): return data.copy() else: return Table._normalize_data(data) def _find_parent_table(qwidget: _QtMainWidgetBase) -> TableViewerBase: x = qwidget while (parent := x.parent()) is not None: x = parent if hasattr(x, "_table_viewer"): return x._table_viewer raise RuntimeError