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Mouse Interactivity

Layers in whitecanvas support mouse interactivity. Following table shows what feature is supported in which backend.

Feature matplotlib plotly bokeh pyqtgraph vispy

Hover Text

Hover text is very useful for interactive data exploration.


To demonstrate the hover texts in this document, we use plotly backend. This does not mean that hover text is not supported in matplotlib.

Give a sequence of hover texts

with_hover_text method sets the hover text to the layer. Following example shows how to set custom hover texts to markers.

import numpy as np
from whitecanvas import new_canvas

canvas = new_canvas("plotly", size=(400, 300))
x = np.arange(10)
y = np.sin(x)

layer = (
    .add_markers(x, y)
    .with_hover_text([f"point {i}" for i in range(10)])

Give a hover template

If the hover texts are to be determined by the internal data, it's better to define a template for the hover text. with_hover_template method sets the hover template to the layer.

import numpy as np
from whitecanvas import new_canvas

canvas = new_canvas("plotly", size=(400, 300))
x = np.arange(10)
y = np.sin(x)

layer = (
    .add_markers(x, y)
    .with_hover_template("x={x:.2f}, y={y:.2f}, i={i}")

Picking Data Points

Layers also have a clicked event. You can connect a callback to the event to handle the picking. Use syntax to do it.


The callback function is defined on the Python side. This means that if the backend uses JavaScript like plotly, the callback cannot be executed. If you constructed a plotly canvas with Jupyter Notebook backend by canvas("plotly:nb"), however, callbacks are not disabled owing to the FigureWidget of plotly.

import numpy as np
from whitecanvas import new_canvas

canvas = new_canvas("matplotlib:qt")
layer = canvas.add_markers([0, 1, 2], [0, 0, 0])
def _on_pick(picked):
    print(f"picked indices: {picked}")